
Life with the Bs

Working from home


Happy Friday!  Today I’m linking up with Kelly’s Korner for Show Us Your Life on working moms.  I’m blessed to have a job that allows me to work from home.  I’ve actually been working from home since I joined this new company in 2004.  I truly missed coworkers, lunches, and all of the other things that come with going to an office at first.  After Janie was born, I realized what a a blessing it is not to have to go anywhere for work.  I still have childcare during work hours but without a commute, I could have my babies back in my arms by 5pm.  Now that Janie’s in elementary school, she’s able to ride the bus home.  Being at home, I’m close to their schools so I can make parades, performances and even volunteer on my lunch break.  School breaks can get tricky but we make it work with play dates and camps.  I’ve also learned to ask neighbors/friends for help.

I would love to connect with other working moms.  Thanks for stopping by and feel free to follow along!

4 thoughts on “Working from home

  1. Your work situation sounds very similar to mine. I work from home for a company and have since 2007. I truly love it but do miss the lunches and work atmosphere at times. But not enough to commute! It really is the best of both worlds. We are blessed that my Mom is able to keep my kids during the day and love on them as much if not more than I would. I look forward to being flexible enough to get involved when my son goes to school too and get him on and off the bus.

  2. Hi, Coming over from Kelly’s blog. I work from home one day and that one day of not having the commute is so wonderful! Sounds like you have a good situation where you are.

  3. Hello… Coming over from Kelly’s blog. I too work from home since around 2006. I miss work lunches, hanging out with co-workers, work birthday parties, etc… However I do love most everything about working from home. I have since moved away from where my work office was so its not possible to meet up with coworkers. I noticed you were in GA. I actually moved to St. Simons Island when I starting working from home. I have moved around to a few different states, but loved GA. I like the flexibility of being able to run to school functions or have a sick kiddo home with me for the day if needed. Everyone assumes I don’t really work which is totally the opposite. Most days I don’t even have time to have dinner ready.

    • Thank for stopping by! I agree, I can’t imagine having to go into an office on a daily basis now. And yes, I’ve had friends ask if I can watch their children since I’m home. The key work is work and you don’t get much of that done with little ones around.

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